If I had to choose one word to describe my mood today, it
would be “uncertain.” There’s absolutely
nothing wrong; no one is sick or hurt or in trouble; there is nothing foreboding
in the future. I simply feel conflicted,
like I’m at a crossroads of sorts.
This has been occurring a lot lately. I’m almost positive it comes from the fact
that I turn 50 this year. That’s a BIG birthday. It’s one you can’t imagine that you’ll ever
reach, because it’s OLD. Or at least it
seems so until it’s a matter of months away, rather than years.
For me, it feels like a time of change. Exactly what change, I haven’t figured
out. Some days I think it’s one thing,
the next day I feel it’s another. I feel
extremely bi-polar, switching from one extreme to another. Here’s just a sample:
Losing Weight: Most days, I feel the real need
to lose about 20 pounds. I make plans
for diet and exercise, looking forward to being slim again in time for my
birthday. Other times, I decide that my
husband loves me no matter what I look like, that I love food too much, and
that I have far too much to do to worry about exercise. Which will it be?
City or Country: You all know that we live in
the country. I deal daily with mud and
animals and an old house and jobs most people don’t have to worry about. And I love it. But, while on vacation recently in a big
city, I was reminded how much I love city living, too. The hustle and bustle; the bright lights;
walking everywhere instead of driving; the modern feel of it. Again, opposite ends of the spectrum. Which one is really me?
Age gracefully, or just age: Some weeks, I faithfully wash my face every
evening and apply my $80 wrinkle cream.
I dye my gray hair and apply my make-up in ways that supposedly make me
look younger and thinner. I buy clothes
that are age appropriate, yet stylish.
Other weeks, I just don’t give a damn.
Everyone gets older. I’m half a
century old, dammit! I should be proud
of how I look. Which will it be?
Work or get a job: Contrary to what many people think, stay-at-home
moms WORK. Because we’re home all day,
we’re basically expected to do it all.
And that’s fine with me. Just don’t
tell me I don’t have a job! I was a PAID
working mom when Tessa was born. (I had
a job outside the home.) When we moved
back to Tennessee, we decided that it would be in Tessa’s best interest for me
to be home with her. I still haven’t
decided it that was a good idea or not!
Now that she’s older, I’ve been thinking about “what if” I went back to
work. This one isn’t quite as hard to
choose (ummm…NO!), but it’s still something I’ve been fretting about.
Menopause or Not to Menopause: The first time I thought I was almost done, I
went eight months without a period. (Sorry men.) This time, it was 11 months. REALLY?
ELEVEN MONTHS??? C’mon, Mother
Nature. Make up your mind! You let me worry about the facial hair and
extra fat; you need to just let it go!
You see why I’m uncertain?
Why I’m confused? Why I think it’s
time for a change?
Ah hell…I’m probably just old.