First the snow. We used to live in Northern Virginia, and we still have many friends there. Here in our corner of the world last week, we got 1/2" of snow. Northern Virginia got over two feet. TWO. FEET. I can't even. Just the threat of bad weather closed our schools for three days. Can you even imagine how long those kids up north will be out of school? There is not enough Prozac in the world.
Snow added to the story of Tessa's cold. She started feeling bad on the weekend, and by MLK day, she had a full-blown cold. Since she's missed so much school that we received a warning letter (ahem...child), I really needed her to go that Tuesday. Of course, she was too sick, so we headed to the walk-in clinic for them to tell us she did indeed have a cold. So that's two days home. And the three days the school closed? Yep... So she was home all week. She's big enough now that she spends most of her time in her room watching videos, so it wasn't bad. However, last year they missed two solid weeks of school, so I'm crossing my fingers here.
Now, the puppy. Oh my, the puppy! Of course we didn't need another dog. This brings our total to five, which is really four dogs too many. But our dogs were mostly outside all time, and I was feeling the need for a dog that could keep me company. Cause the cat could take me or leave me, depending on the mood of the day.
So I begged my husband, and might have made promises, for a puppy. I found someone close-by who had Shichon puppies. What is a Shichon, you ask? Don't worry, I didn't know, either. They are a mix between a Shih Tzu and a Bichon Friese. In other words, ADORABLE! So let me introduce you to Murphy!

So that's been my life the past week. How about you?
P.S. I haven't forgotten the book club, I just haven't had a chance to work up the questions. But I'll do it soon, I promise!
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