Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Crazies Have Taken Over the Funny Farm

OK…I know I moan and groan a lot on here about my family.  But the truth of the matter is I love them.  Period.  There’s no conditions, no hesitations, no requirements…just pure, never-ending love.  That being said, GOOD LORD, THESE PEOPLE MADE ME CRAZY THIS WEEKEND!!!

Well, that was cathartic.

Here’s the deal: I have menopause-itis and I have it bad.  There was nothing said or done this weekend that didn’t irritate me.  I wanted to climb in bed and not climb out until the hubby and kid left for work/school tomorrow morning.  The noise, the rough-housing, the teasing, the noise...I already said that one, didn’t I?

Sigh.  The thing is, I know it wasn’t their fault.  My mom used to tell me, “If you think everyone else is crazy, it might be you.”  Huh, now that I type that, there’s a whole lot of stuff about her that makes sense.  Anyhoo…she was right on this one.  Everyone else in the world can’t be wrong all at the same time.  And I can’t be the only person in the world who’s right.  (Actually, I’m pretty sure I can, but I’ll exercise pretend humility for this post.) ;-)

I hate being this way as much as I hate seeing Tessa be this way.  I complain about her hormones and then mine seize my brain and I act the same.  I’ve been pretty close to one of her massive melt-downs myself.  And I truly do feel bad when I snap at both of them.  I don’t stop, of course, but I do feel bad.

I like to think that God gave women these problems because we’re the stronger sex.  Think about it…it takes a lot of strength and determination to go through 40+/- years of monthly periods, childbirth, a life-time of child-rearing (cause that never stops, you know) and menopause.  It takes a toll on our body, our mind, and our spirit.  It’s HARD, y’all.

Now that everyone’s settling down for the night, I can unwind and prepare myself for the week ahead.  It should be a good week:  Lunch with one bestie tomorrow and another bestie’s birthday on Wednesday.  I just need to get past my own self and I’ll be fine.

At least that’s what the crazy people keep telling me.


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