Friday, November 13, 2015

Church and Christianity - They're Not the Same Thing

I've been thinking a lot about church lately. Maybe not church so much, but about Jesus and Christianity and being good people. Because church and Christians don't necessarily go together. I've known people who are in church every time the door opens, but aren't good Christians. And I've known people who could sit on the right hand of God who don't always go to church. As a former boss of mine used to say (what up, Lester!), "There are church folk and there are Christians; they aren't always the same thing."

Don't get me wrong - church is wonderful! It's a place to publicly glorify God and share your testimony. And many, many good Christians attend church with pure hearts and intentions. My grandparents were like that. My grandfather was a preacher at a little Church of God that he started and built, literally, from the ground up. My grandmother was the dearest angel that ever walked the earth. But there are also those who attend just to be seen.

Church can be scary for some people. Anyone outside the "norm" as seen by the church can feel shunned or ashamed. It's assumed that only good people can attend church! Church isn't for sinners! Only the upstanding, righteous, well-bred can attend church! Here's the truth for you, folks - CHURCH IS FOR SINNERS!

And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners." Mark 2:17

You see, Jesus said it himself! He came to call the sinners! And if Jesus can love all sinners, shouldn't we accept them into our churches?

And speaking of churches, does a building, a choir, a preacher, an offering define church? Does a church have to have pews, deacons, kneeling benches, an organ? I don't think so. Jesus didn't preach in churches. He preached wherever people needed him. He didn't show favoritism to those in a physical church. He knew sinners were everywhere and he went where he was needed.

My family doesn't attend "church" on a regular basis. We don't fit in with the new church - the audio/visuals, the casual dress code, the contemporary music. We're old school. If I wore pants into a church building, I think I would have a stroke! My grandfather would appear before me and speak in tongues! Give me "The Old Rugged Cross" over any Christian music published in the last 20 years. We just don't enjoy the "new" church. But we do love, worship, and glorify God.

Church for us can be anywhere: the mountains; next to our creek; the top of the treehouse; the dining room table. We know when and where we need Jesus. We pray, we praise, we thank God in our own ways. We try, and fail, daily to be good Christians. Isn't that what Christianity is about? Trying to be our best, failing, and being forgiven? Isn't Christianity about love and forgiveness? Isn't that the real message God sent to us in the form of Jesus - love and forgiveness?

If you attend a church on a regular basis, I say "Hurray!" Church is an important part of many, many peoples lives. If you don't attend a church, but continue to praise God in your own unique way, I say "Hurray!" Your way is as good as any other. If you don't believe in God, don't believe in "church", or just don't care one way or another, I say "Hurray!" Because there's one more person that I can reach. One more person that we, as Christians, can minister to, testify to, and love. One more person to offer eternal forgiveness. One more person who can love Jesus in whatever way they choose.

Christianity isn't a building. It's you. Show your "church" however you do it best. And know that you are loved and forgiven. Always.

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