Thursday, November 12, 2015

It's The Best Medicine

There are any number of reasons that I adore my little family of three: they accept me as I am, they fill my heart with love and pride, and I truly enjoy their company. But the biggest reason I love them so much is simple - they make me laugh!

I'm a firm believer that laughing every day keeps you healthy. Not just a giggle here or there, but a full-on belly laugh; the kind that makes your nose run, your stomach hurt, and your face look like you've been hit with an ugly stick!

Unfortunately (for them), most belly laughs come at the expense of others. There is nothing that will bring a true LOL quicker than someone falling down. Watch a guy injure his nether regions on a fence post? Hilarious!! See a drunk try to dance on a table top? Priceless!! Someone jump out of a trash can to scare their friends? Gut-busting!!

It's really not fair that we get our greatest joy out of others misfortunes, but such is life. We have to learn to laugh at our own misfortunes as well. If I didn't laugh at all our farm mishaps, I would go crazy! I mean, look...I step in some kind of poop every day. Rabbit, chicken, could be anything. My days are full of smelling, finding, and cleaning up animal poop. But instead of getting upset about it, I've decided to pretend it's good for my skin and go with it. And truthfully, I have marvelously soft soles!

I like to think that I'm kinda funny. I sure try! But I'm still learning and studying. I have quite a few "teachers" that I follow: Julia Louis Dreyfuss, Ellen Degeneres, Wanda Sykes, Jen Hatmaker, Beth Woolsey...they are all funny in different, but equally hilarious ways. Mostly, they have learned to tell stories about their own lives in a humorous way. That's what I want to do. And luckily, I have a built-in partner that helps me: my husband!

From the first time I made him laugh by calling him a food whore, to last night when he asked if my new broom was a second car, we laugh. Often and happily. So I'll keep trying to make you laugh. Sometimes I'll succeed, sometimes I'll bomb. (Boy, THERE'S a metaphor for life!) But in any case, I want you to laugh. Be happy! Look for joy! And if that fails, jump off the roof onto a trampoline and see what that gets ya!

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