Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Worst Housekeeper in the World

“What a dump!”

Bette Davis must have been visiting my house when she uttered those famous words.  Ugh.  I’ve always been a neat freak; not a clean freak, but neat.  I like things in their place.  It doesn’t have to be spotless; I just don’t want it to look like an episode of “Extreme Hoarders.”

But I have a kid…and a husband.  For a while, I could still keep up.  I mean, when the kid can’t crawl, there are only so many messes she can make!  Even up until she was about four or five, I was in good shape.  And Don was great about picking up after himself until Tessa started leaving things lying around.  You know, follow the leader, monkey see monkey do, and all that jazz.  But now…

I know kids make messes and I know that husbands do, too.  Yes, that’s part of the problem.  But here’s the real problem: I’ve lost my mojo.  That innate ability to keep the dirt swept up and the countertops clean and the cat litter changed… I’ve gotten lazy(er).  I don’t want to do anything.

 It takes me FOREVER to clean a room!  Today, I’ve managed to clean one bathroom and started the dishwasher.  And the fact that I’m on here now writing this instead of cleaning something else should be ignored!

I need to get my groove back.  Maybe I’ll go to Jamaica like Stella did to find it!  Or maybe I’ll just sit around like Bette, smoke a long cigarette in a holder, and complain about the condition of my surroundings.  What. A. Dump.

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