Monday, December 28, 2015

Welcome 2016!

The year 2015 is almost over. After today, there are just three more days to make good on those resolutions we made on January 1. Then we can all make new ones that we won't stick to. I've decided that this year I will make New Years Resolutions that I can keep. So here goes...

  1. I promise to not watch, read, or talk about anything that involves someone with the last name Kardashian, Jenner or West. This might be harder than expected. While I truly don't give a diddly-squat about them, they are EVERYWHERE! So I will keep my tv remote and page-turning finger at the ready to zoom quickly by any mention of these "people."
  2. I will not watch any "Real Housewives" or "Bachelor/Bachelorette" show. I never have, so this one ought to be pretty easy to keep.
  3. I will also not watch anything involving the Duggars, Honey Boo Boo, or the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty. In fact, the only reality tv I watch will be Tree Masters, American Pickers, or The Voice (if and only if a K-town singer is involved).
  4. I will watch less tv and read more. Do I really need to watch Kelly & Michael or Ellen every day? Do I really need to watch Hoda and Kathy Lee get tipsy every morning? Am I learning anything from daytime tv? Probably not. And People is reading, right?
  5. I will not nag at my child to clean her room every day. I promise to nag only every other day. (JUST CLEAN YOUR ROOM, CHILD.)
  6. I will complain less about menopause. Oops!!! There went one of those hormone swings again! Whew! Of COURSE I won't complain less. Who am I kidding??

OK...those are fun, but I do have some serious ones.
  1. Love more. This shouldn't be too hard, should it? Accept others, forgive easily, and show those I love absolute love.
  2. Educate myself. I'm not talking about school education; I want to learn something new this year. A new hobby, a new sport, a new language...I haven't decided what yet, but I feel the need to grow.
  3. Improve my life. Live healthier. Treat my body better. Notice I didn't say "lose weight." That's not my goal here. I just want to be a better me.
  4. Write to you guys regularly. My little experiment at writing has exploded. My Facebook page has gone from 50 likes to almost 500! It excites me to know that people from all over the world like to read what I write! So I'll be right here, trying to make you think, make you laugh, or just make you come back for more.

Happy New Year, my dearest friends, family, and lovely readers. I hope your year is full of all that you want it to be. Don't regret failures and don't take victories for granted. Live, love, and laugh. I adore you all!

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