Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Stop the World, I Want to Get Off

Most days, I am an extrovert.  I love people.  I love talking.  I love parties.  But some days, I wish I were a hermit.  And yes, today is one of those days.

Everything annoyed me today.  For example, my daughter wore her heels to school even after I told her not to, using the excuse, “I didn’t agree with your opinion.”  Short of knocking her into next week, I couldn’t think of a quick enough response before she left for school.

Also, the kitchen was a mess.  That’s normal, but today I simply refused to clean it up.  Do you know how monotonous it is to empty the dishwasher every morning, put the dirty dishes in, wipe off the countertops and the refrigerator handle (which is ALWAYS sticky), and empty the garbage, and so on?  OK – maybe you do know, but today it bugged the hell out of me. Yes, I know it’s not the same as digging ditches.  Who cares – it’s still a pain.

Then the cat was sick.  Not hairball-on-the-floor sick.  She was smelly-poop-every-five-minutes sick.  It’s bad enough when she is well, but I think she must have eaten the butt end of a mouse, because this STANK!

 I was grumpy.  I was tired.  I had a million things to do and didn’t want to do a single one of them.  I didn’t want to watch TV (the news annoyed me, too).  Facebook has gotten too political, too self-centered, and too boring (also annoying).  There was really only one thing I wanted today:

I wanted a little house in the middle of nowhere.  Just a few rooms would be fine: bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and a sitting area.  No electronics. No telephones. No other people. I wanted a million new books that I hadn’t read, just waiting for me.  I wanted fresh fruit, veggies straight from the garden, milk, spring water, a big ole juicy steak, and a big glass of Pinot Grigio.

I wanted my Mastiffs asleep at my feet.  I wanted the windows open and the sound of wind chimes in the breeze.  I wanted to sleep when I wanted, eat when I wanted, and have no one talking to or at me.  I wanted big, fluffy pillows everywhere – the bed, the floor, the chair or sofa.  I wanted comfy clothes, no makeup and short hair.

In short, I wanted to be a hermit.

Instead, I’ll sit here in the dark while everyone else sleeps, listening to the hum of the electrical appliances and the ticking of the old grandfather clock behind me.  Occasionally, I’ll hear my husband snore and my daughter slam the bathroom door as she always does in the middle of the night.  I’ll close the bathroom door against the smell of the cat (again) and put the dogs outside when they get rowdy.  Tomorrow, I’ll clean up the kitchen, watch the news, and argue with the girl over what she wears to school.  I’ll be social and talkative.

But I’ll still wish…


UPDATE: Since I didn’t get to post this last night, let me add that the cat threw up on the mifi this morning.  Yay…


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