Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm Going on Vacation and I'm Exhausted!

Don’t let anyone fool you – vacations are a chore!  We leave in two days to visit the DC area; the site of Tessa’s birth, Don’s last military retirement, and one of my three favorite girls in the world, Lala. Usually at this point, I have the suitcases out, a few things packed, and a list of what I need to buy before we leave.  This time, nada.  Nothing.  Not a single thing.  And no idea when I plan to get started.
Vacations are hard for a number of reasons.  First, my husband and I have totally different ideas about the perfect vacation.  I love the beach with all its glories – the sand, the water, the sun, and the ocean breezes.  Don loves the mountains with all its problems – the dirt, the bugs, the hard ground, and no toilets.  Okay, maybe that’s not fair, but you get my point.  It’s hard to find a compromise.  DC usually wins out.
Second, there’s the packing.  Ugh.  We have different styles in regards to that, too.  I plan.  I pick outfits, jewelry to match, shoes, count underwear days and then add about 20%.  Don pulls out a suitcase 20 minutes before we leave, opens drawers, pulls out a pile of clothes and tosses them in.  Tessa, when allowed to pack for herself, tends to pack like me, times 100.  When we went to Disney last year, she packed every pair of socks she owns, six swimsuits, a few shirts and jeans, and no underwear.  That’s right – no underwear.  I guess she was going to use the socks somehow.  So I’ve learned to pack myself and Tessa and leave Don to himself.  We can always buy what we don’t have.
Third, there’s the trip itself.  I don’t like to ride, so I usually drive.  Don is a good traveler.  He keeps to himself and keeps occupied.  Tessa has to be entertained.  I pack games, books, crayons, movies. And she’s still bored.  So we sing, play games together, tell jokes and stop a lot to pee.  A lot.  We finally get there and collapse on the hotel bed.
Like most kids, Tessa would rather swim in the hotel pool and order room service than see the Lincoln Memorial or the Smithsonian museums.  Don wants to see all his old haunts, visit all the top-notch restaurants, and enjoys the historical sites.  Me, I want to shop.  And shop.  And shop.
So you see my dilemma.  Dissention among the ranks at every turn!  Crap – I’m already tired and we still haven’t even left.  When we get home, I’m gonna need a vacation.

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