Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Satan, Thy Name is Weed! (The garden variety type; not the smoking kind!)

I decided to work in the garden this morning.  I thought I would see what was growing, pull a few weeds, just take a look around.  I know, I know...it surprised me, too!  But let me tell you, friends...it's a jungle out there!  Witness Exhibit A:

Exhibit A
That isn't corn, people.  Our corn doesn't grow that well.  This the enemy; Satan's flower; the Green Menace.  These. Are. Weeds!!!
Wow.  I guess all the rain we've had this year has really made a difference.  I mean, they have taken over!  I could pull weeds for eight hours a day, seven days a week, and still not get to them all. 
We've always had trouble with this plot of land.  It used to be a hayfield.  I know nothing about these things, but apparently hay is hard to kill.  Looking at this photo, that seems like an understatement.
Poor Don has tried a lot of different techniques; he just hasn't found the one that will do the trick.  Don't get me wrong...he's a great farmer/gardener!  He's just never had to fight this tough of an enemy before. 
Another problem is time.  Hubs works all day, and it's so hot and muggy in the evenings, it's hard to go out there.  I'm busy fighting my own battles with the hormone beast.  Luckily, my little darling(?) has finally begun to sleep late, making it possible for me to get a little work done before the fighting begins.
The good news in all this is that we do actually have some vegetables growing!  I found a couple of radishes today, with squash, corn (yes, really), and okra coming along nicely.  It looks like we'll have enough to keep our little family happy for a few months.
Maybe there's a lesson here: Even though weeds crowd around us and take up our oxygen and space, we can continue to grow and survive!  We are tougher than those pesky weeds!!  We can persevere against all odds!!!
Or maybe they're just weeds.
Exhibit B - Proof that I actually did some work today!

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